
Friday, November 30, 2012

Ein Meets Sunny! / アイン、サニーとご対面!


お迎えに行ってから早いもので、もう半年。 すっかりわが家にも馴染んだところに・・・ サニー登場。

サニーがわが家に到着したのが、11月26日。 まだ5日ほど経過したところですが、この両者本日無事にご対面とあいなりました。

サニーは到着してから男子部室で寝泊り。 アインはドアを一枚隔てた隣の部屋で今では盟友となったアルフォンスと相部屋状態で生活していました。

男子部室で寝泊りしていたサニー、お迎え前の計画では猫は彼だけの予定でしたが、部屋の主と化したエミリーが退室せず期せずして初日から相部屋。 双方嫌がるかと思いきや、お互い無関心が幸でして狭い部屋の中で見事に共存共栄。







アインは力強い顔立ちに似合わず、非常に優しい性格をしている子です。 自分から喧嘩を売ったり、自分の存在を必要以上に誇示したりするタイプではありません。 いい意味で自分に自信があるようで、リビングでサニーと会っても問題なし。 対するサニー、こちらも自分をしっかり持っているようで体の非常に大きいアインに驚きはしたようですが、自分に対して敵意がないとわかるや否や、その存在をしっかり受け入れてくれたようです。 ちなみにアインは誰かが自分の前で走り始めると狩猟猫の本領が蘇ってしまうようで、そうなると大運動会が始まってしまいます。



新しい子を子猫のうちに迎えることには、その子の成長過程を見る楽しみがありますが、一歳前後の大人猫が新しくメンバーになるのもまた楽しいものがあります。 ほぼ出来上がった性格や考え方で、どういう形で未知の世界に対応していくのか・・・ 猫にとっても人間にとっても不安な材料はいっぱいありますが、アインとサニー名(迷)コンビが誕生する気がします。
一人ぼっちでわが家に来てくれたアインを受け入れて、今や盟友とまでなったアルフォンス。 アルフォンスにしっかりと心を開いてくれたアイン。 アインの中にはいろいろな思いが交錯したと思います。 そんな経験をして更に懐が深くなったアインならばサニーをしっかり受け入れてくれると思います。

アイン・ミーツ・サニー! サニー・ミーツ・アイン!

こんな素晴らしい二匹を迎えることができて本当に良かったと思います。 長い間彼らを見守り、育て、送り出してくださったアメリカとベルギーの両ブリーダーにあらためてお礼を申し上げます。


Already 6 months has past since we welcomed Einstein from US.

On this Monday, with the 6 days absence of the humans, he and his pal Alphonse were move to a small room in a sudden.
5 days has passed since then and today Ein and Al knew the reason why they were moved from the boys room!

Yes, finally Ein met Sunny today!

Sunny moved to our house on 25th from his own country Belgium.
So only 5days has past.
Our idea was to let him in the boy's room for about a week and then let him meet the alters first.
Our Spayed girl Emily, who rules the boy's room did not move from the room so Sunny had to share the room with her. I was anxious to introduce Emily to him form the very first day but they ignored each other and nothing bad happend.
To build a relationship with him, I slept on the floor for 3 nights.

Sunny, who has his own style like Ein quickly became use to me and from the second night started to sleep near me.

On Wednesday morning Sunny easily escaped from the  room and went down stairs!
As his face looks like some of our cats, the girls enjoining their freedom at the living room did not notice that the "new boy" came downstairs!
About 15 minuets later, someone figured out that there is unusual smell and started to hiss. Luckily small panic did't last long.

And on the 4th day morning we finally introduced Ein and Alphonse to Sunny.

"Ein met Sunny!"

Ein is a really mature boy and never start fighting from his side unless someone starts to run infront of him.  If someone does, he becomes a hunter but basically is a pacifist . Also seem to have confidence in himself so we were not anxious of him meeting Sunny. Sunny also has his style and finally they met.

Sunny hissed a bit but nothing more.
Their mother tongue are different but maybe Ein understands that Sunny is tracking the same way as he did 6 months ago.

It is nice to welcome a kitten from other place.
And more the less it is nice to have a "cat" who has already developed his/her character.
Sometimes there may be plenty of things to worry and consider about.
But also a big joy to see them get used to the new circumstances by their own wisdom.
We are sure that Ein and Sunny to become a good friend to each other in near days.

Alphonse was the very one who welcomed Einstein as his pal. Now Ein seems to let in Sunny. From elders to the younger, younger to the youngest one...

There are still so many things to learn from cats...

Many thanks to Cascade Mtn. and Pajocoons for letting us have such a wonderful boys !

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sunny's Video!

Pajocoons Sunrise Dream of Popokilani, great video created by his God Father
"Patrick L'Hoir"

Monday, November 26, 2012

Pajocoons Sunrise Dream now in Japan! / サニー君無事到着!







Pajocoonsのサニーを1年間の長きにわたり育てて下さったWim & Marie-Jean Straetmansご夫妻、サニーの兄のTEALC達の現在の親であるVeerle VandenabeeleとPatrick L'Hoirには限りない感謝の念でいっぱいです。





Sunny today arrived to his new house with us!

4 days and 6 nights trip to Belgium... sounds short but also was long enough to think about lots of things as a breeder and a cat lover.

To have another kitten/cat from the different cattery is always a tough thing.
When it happens from overseas, it become more tough may be because you do not have so much chance to meet the breeders so often.Meeting Wim and Marie-Jean of Pajocoons and Tealc's human parents Veerle Vandenabeele and Patrick L'Hoir were the big opportunity for us.
Was another big opportunity as meeting Cascade Mtn. and Chemicoons.

Now we have 2 beautiful, young and healthy boys from two great cattery, which we adore very much.
With this great boys, Sunny and Einstein, Popokilani has a great opportunity to expand as a Maine Coon cattery.

End of this October, Einstein became a father of 4 beautiful kittens.
One of the girls can be mated to Sunny in the future.
And we also have Kappa and Reebok and some other girs too.
To have a different line boys means a lot to us.

We would like to thank Pajoccons for holding Sunny for more than a year.
Without their understanding and help this never happend.
And another thanks to Tealc's human parents. They always encouraged us "Never to give up" having Sunny.

3 years has passed since I first knew Pajocoons and Tealc.
There are lots of things that I would like to write but for today I would just like to send out the message that Sunny has arrived to Japan safe and sound!

Many thanks to all who were crossing their paws and fingers for us for this day to happen!!

Yasuyuki & Yukari Endo

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

aka Kappa is now QGC! / カッパQGCのタイトル取得!


TGCのタイトルまで取得したのは確実でしたがQGCには点数がちょっと足りないかも知れない・・・ まあ、それならそれで・・・と思っていましたが、今日TICAのサイトを何気なく見たら、カッパ嬢めでたくQGCのタイトルを獲得していました。



POPOKILANI Kelly aka Kappa won the title of TICA QGC!

She seemed to be a real "Show Girl" but retired the show this Oct.
I was sure of her being TICA TGC but about QGC... May be she still needs few points to become so.

Today I was checking the TICA web site and found out that she has reached QGC.

Congrats Kappa!
You did very well.
I had a great time with you, many thanks to you!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pajocoons aka Sunny!

Pajocoons Sunrise Dream of Popokilani.

On 21st of Nov. we are leaving to Belgium.
The very first trip for us to visit Europe.
Gonna meet Tealc and his entire family too!
Looking forward to meet another love of mine!
