
Sunday, February 1, 2015

LEON / レオン

Onocoon Leon of Popokilani、本朝に眠るように永眠しました。


果たさなかった約束、してあげるべきだったこと… 今はまだ後悔と反省しか頭に浮かびません。早くに現役を引退しましたが、彼の子供達は今も健在です。




Onocoon Leon of Popokilani just passed away this morning. We were with in the same house burt became to know later that he has went away. We believe we haven't heard any noise or cry of him so he just silently passed away.

Leon was our foundation cat and taught us so many things about cats and also what MC is. A great blue solid boy and a great father he was. His offspring has also became parents and left a great line of his.
We miss him very much but still can see and feel what he has left to the new generations.

Hope he enjoyed his life being with us.

Many thanks to this boy who faded away from this world.
You are also in our mind always as it was in the past...

R.I.P. Leon... See you in the future again...