
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Red Goblins! / 赤鬼兄弟!


aka Paprika and aka Turmeric, kittens of Satsuma and Cindy has moved to their forever loving home on Mar. 7th


Turmeric's new name is now Leia. he is the son of Cindy and Alfred and also is the younger brother of Loa.

ロア君と違うところは、白靴下を履いていないところ! これで、靴下の汚れを気にする必要はないと思いますw
レイア君は、シンディの最後の子供達のひとりとなる予定です。 シンディも4回出産してくれたので、これで引退。 今後はお局様として、のんびりした猫生を送ってもらおうと考えています。

Leia is a red classic tabby boy without white. So I believe his now mom does not need to worry about his socks! LOL
Always a happy boy he is. Since he got out of the nursery room, it became difficult to take his photo.
Leia's litter will be the last litter for Cindy. She is planned to be retired from our breeding program. She has delivered 4 times and is going to have a non-stress life from now on.


And this is the boy of Satsuma, aka Paprika. He is now called Ku.
It was so difficult to say which is Ku and which is Leia and it is still so.

気がつけば、レイア君と同じ重さ。 やっぱり赤い子は重くなるのが早い気がしてしまいます。

When he was little, he used to stick to his mom and was the very last one to start eating the baby food and I was a bit anxious about him gaining his weight so slowly. Everything is now a laughter and he is heavy enough.



7 kittens are growing rapidly. Two of the 3 red kittens had graduated and now I see lots of Brown colors in my house!
Would like to thank K family for welcoming our 2 red little goblins!
And wish the best for them.