
Sunday, April 26, 2015

The last kitten goes to CFA Show! / 2014年生まれの子猫CFAのショーに行く!


Something Hearts Cat Fanciersが主催した”2014-2015 CFA Season End Cat Show”の二日間参加したあんじゅ嬢。

そんな心配を他所に、レトルトささみを一袋、カリカリとちゅーるを完食。午前中に目一杯遊んで、午後は控えケージとベンチで爆睡!寝ているところを起こしても不機嫌になることもなく… 妙な大物ぶりを発揮していました。

Today our loving girl Ange (aka Pepper), daughter of Satsuma and Alfred, moved to her new home. After attending 2 days CFA show in Tokyo, she left.

Ange attended ”2014-2015 CFA Season End Cat Show” held by Something Hearts Cat Fanciers. This was her second show as a kitten.  The first one was the last week's TICA & ECC Show held at the same place.   For last time, I could not attend the show so did not know how she would act.  But there was nothing to worry.  She was so playful, ate a lot and fell asleep in the afternoon even at the waiting cage behind the Ring! LOL.  She never got unpleasant being asked to wake up!

First day at Ms. Nozuki Judge's ring. She was standing straight!

メインクーンキツンは、初日がホワイトの女の子二頭にブラウンクラシックの白靴下履きの女の子とあんじゅで4 頭、二日目ホワイトの男の子が参加して計5頭。並ぶと、あんじゅが一番暗い色でしたw

There were 4 MC kittens (2 white, 1 Brown Classic Tabby w/white and our Brown Classic Tabby girl) at the first day and all were females. one white boy joined on the second day and became totally 5kittens. And Yes, Ange was the darkest in the ring! LOL

猫の手作りおもちゃのマムタさんがあんじゅの似顔絵をコットンの手提げ袋に書いてくださいました! いい雰囲気! 大事な思い出です!

This is a cotton bag wit the portrait of Ange, hand written by the owner of handmade cat shop "Mamuta".  Love this eyes!


Ange at Ms. Koizumi's ring!  Being stretched straight and showing a serious face which I really love. 


Also at Ms. Yamashita's ring.  Sure she loved this teaser!



At the end of the 2 days show, she got many finals a very happy result for her new start.
This was the second CFA show for us to attend as an exhibitor. The rules are different form what we know so everything was really new to me. With Ange's new mom and other's help the show was fun.

Many thanks to the show committee, Judges and the exhibitors and their loving kitties.  Was a pleasure to share the time and the place with you all.


さつまとアルフレッドの5匹の子供達、これで全員わが家から巣立ちました。 寂しくないと言えば大嘘になりますw でも、それぞれが間違いなく幸せになれるお家に引っ越したのだから、これ以上に喜ばしいことはありません。

思い返せば、約5ヶ月前に生まれたばかり… 時の経つのは早いというべきか、はたまた、まだ5ヶ月も経っていないというべきか… でも、”チャンスの女神には後ろ髪が無い”ということで。 まだまだ子供だけれど、これだけ肝っ玉が座っていれば新しい環境にもきっとすぐ慣れてくれると思います。


Satsuma and Alfred's offspring has all moved to their new family.  Never miss them is a lie... One thing that is sure is they all moved to the "Best" place which we can think of and the this makes me feel very happy.
The above photo is Ange with her big aunty Reebok. Shall can she become big as her in the future? LOL

Almost 5 months has past since this young girl has been born. Time really flies and also can be said only 5 months has passed... ”Take the Fortune by the forelock" and I would like to believe that we grabbed the best for each this time too.  Still a very young lady, her confidence and courage may help her build her own future.

We my meet some of the graduated ones may be at the show hall or by the photos.  No tears for now...  Yes just crossing my fingers for all!


Satsuma really loved all of her babies and raised them with all she has.
This is the only the photo of Satsuma and Ange in one frame.
Wish the very best for my Pepper!  Thank you for being with us.  We really enjoyed sharing each moment.  Now it is the time to walk as Ange! Your new chapter has begun.c

Good luck my love!