
Monday, June 8, 2015

TICA & C9CC Cat Show



On Jun. 7th, we took our boys to the "Cloud 9 Cat Club" show held in Higashi-Nihonbashi.
One was Herbert who needs some more points to become TICA QGC and another was Shonan Cats Jake. Jake will make his debut to the Championship by the end of June so we wanted him to be used to the show.

The show hall and the ring were decorated with many many colors, just like a fantasy world including beautiful flowers!


We were a bit anxious about Herbert for more than 3 months has passed  since his last show.
Seemed it was a good choice taking Jake with him. Herb seemed to be very relaxed and even was grinning! LOL (see above photo)


There were many color props on the Judging table and the colorful teaser was a give-away gift to the kitties.


And also "Kitty-faced bread" were displayed on the ring.
Thanks to the person for taking time to bake these during the busy week!


The finalized one's received their own rosetta.
These were also very color ones.


At the benching cage, Herb and Jake were silently fighting to get this stripe squared bed.  Both were checking each others moves and when one was out for the ring the another one was slipping into the bed.
This time we used 2 double size tents and connected into one so there were enough room for them even having this big bed.

今回のクジ引きの商品。一等賞はケージカバー! 誰がゲットしたのかは見逃してしまいました。 猫柄の靴下とかもあって、ここにも可愛い小物がいっぱい!

Prizes for lottery were also colorful. Cat motif socks, bags etc. The best prize was the beautiful cage cover set!  

で、ジェイクは、文字通り快食、快便! これなら6月末から参加するチャンピオンクラスも心配無し! まだ、子供なのに大物でした!w

Herb did not eat well during the show these days but having Jake he ate a lot. They were both checking each others plates and were trying to steel each others food! LOL
Jake was just him. He ate a lot, played well, slept well and even used the litter box for his own propose. He may be OK with his next show. He will show himself as he did in the Kitten Class.



The result of the show was: Herb got 3 finals out of 8 rings and Jake got one out of 5. (The rosetta at the very right is just for the BOB)

The 2 were really relaxed, yes I think it was good for both having each other, and are prepared for the next show.

Herb is going to attend the show 2 weeks later to earn a bit more point.
Jake will attend the show in end of this moth.
Hope they enjoy again.

おまけ/extra                                                            :

気がついた時には残り3個になっていました! orz
気がつくのが、遅すぎた… 無念…
とりあえず、 3個でもと思い写真に収めました。

Cat-faced steam bread!
When I recognized, there were only 3 pieces left...
Lost a chance to take the original figure...

(写真提供: えんどうやすゆき)

Well my hubby had taken the photo of the full version... Looks like 9 pieces was the original! LOL Thanks my darling! Nice job! LOL
(Photo by: Yasuyuki Endo)


Thanks to the C9CC members, Judges and the participants.
We really enjoyed the day!