
Monday, October 31, 2016

To be... or not to be... @ TICA & WTCC Show / 進むか… 引くか… WTCC キャットショー

10月の8日と9日に行われたWTCCの2デーショーには、わが家から三頭の猫達がショーに参加しました。 えんどうと二人掛かりとはいえ、これはかなり体力的には無謀な挑戦でした…

We took our 3 girls to the TICA & Tokyo West Cat Club Show on Oct. 8th and 9th.
Even being with Yasuyuki it was really tough idea taking 1 t and 2 kittens.


Maria, attended the CH class, which she and we are struggling to win the finals.
For kitten class we took Jessica and Victoria Blue. Victoria (British Short Hair) is our second short hair kitten. Can the kittens survive the  days show...? Who knows, nobody knows! LOL


The show hall was decorated with Halloween goods and props! Orange and black!

手前の猫の絵の着いている茶色い袋はコーヒだそうです。 可愛いw

The brown packages with cats drawing are coffee powder.  Was really cute!


This is the photo of Maria with cynical attitude!
Because 2 little ones were with her... I guess...

ショー会場にはいろいろな気配りがされていて、マスタークラークの席も一目でわかる。 これは中々いいアイディアでした!

So many wonderful props were prepared for the show.
One of the props that I liked is the name stand of the "Master Clerk".
Not every one is familiar with the staff, so it is nice to know who is in charge of what.


This is Jessica. The very first for her to attend.
Joined to have a photo session with Hioko and Tetsu Yamazaki.


It was fun to watch her on the ring. Even this was her debut, she was rave and curious enough to play with the judges.


And this is Victoria Blue.
She is so different form our MC members. Very prudent and never take actions till she understands what is going on! LOL There is a saying "Curiosity killed the cat" but she is cleve enough to control her curiosity. So her show experience was quite confusing for her I guess... She did not have a chance to overlook as she was the star when she was on the judging table!
The photo shows how much she was confused in the arms of Ms. Kato! and I really love her expression. LOL

嫌がることもなく、じっとしていました。 最近は、種を超えてさつまやドロシーに甘えるようになり、それがいい結果に結びついているようです。 やはり、”仲間”関係を築けるのは良いこと。

Being checked by Mr. Hattori.
I think she was just enduring this situation... One of the reason she was allowing this situation was that she believes no one is going to hurt her.

She has built a very good relationship with our MC members. She is really well attached with our Satsuma and Dorothy these days. Loves to be with them. "Good relationship makes things more fun" is what she leaned from them.


Maria striking a pose and glaring at the audience at Ms. Doi's ring.
Now she looks more like an grown-up girl. Kitten days seems to vanish away.


Ms. Tsuruoka and Maria looking at each other and talking by their original language. Looks like Maria smiling too.
This is one of the "best show of today!"


マリアはと言うと… ファイナル無し。

進むべきか… 引くべきか…

さあ! どうする私!?

2 days show passed quickly.
The result was... Jessica got 4 finals out of 12 ring, Victoria Blue got one.
And... Maria got.... none! WOW orz
Maria got enough finals when she was at Kitten Class but CH Class is really tough... She became CH at the previous show so may be it should be enough. But I personally believe she can get a bit more higher title (if we are lucky enough).

Should we finish... or should we challenge a bit more?...

" TO BE..., or NOT TO BE" that is the question...
The evening after the show, the monologue of Hamlet was haunting me...

So! What should be my answer!!!? LOL