
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

TICA CH Catreine Red Iris of Popokilani / アイリス!


おおらかで、何でも楽しんでしまうアイリスには、ベンチでの待機時間は退屈すぎるようで…w もっと、もっと自由に遊んでたい子のようです。

長く出るのもいいけど、こんな短い参加の形があってもいいのだと思います。その子、その子にあった暮らし方があるわけですから。 これで、われわれも暫くはショーから離れることになると思います。


Catreine Red Iris attended the 2 day show last weekend. It was her debut to the TICA Champion Class!

She was finalized in one ring and now became TICA CH.
She is a very playful girl and a has a great personality. It looked like she doesn't like just waiting inside the tent at the bench.  So we decided to show her 2 more times and end her show career. Every body has their own life style and so is she.
Long showing may be fun but also it isn't so bad attending the show only few times... And we will be also fee from going to the shows every weekend. LOL

I am just hoping for the new babies to be born... yes!