
Monday, May 6, 2019

Retirement of Satsuma / さつまの引退報告




さつまは、ODのタイトルを5匹の子供達で受領しましたが、その後に2回出産し、その子達もまたショーで活躍してくれました。昨年の8月に生まれた4匹の子達のひとりは、ブリーダーのCanonさんの所に嫁ぎ、キツンクラスでアジアランキングに入賞。また2匹はチャンピオンシップにデビューして、母と同じタイトルを取得しました。 引退にあたっての餞としては、最高の思い出の一つとなる出来事でした。

昨日さつまを獣医に連れて行く時、車が嫌いで泣いているさつまに対し、かける言葉が見つかりませんでした。健康診断や予防接種に行くのとは違う理由。 避妊すれば、もっと自由な生活が待っている…  そんな言葉が頭に浮かぶものの、今だって自由に暮らしているさつまには何の説得力もないなと…(わが家はもともとケージ外ではない上に、彼女が入れない部屋は、男の子が居る一部屋のみ)”子育て命!”のさつまから子供を産み育てる権利を取り上げることに、どうしようもな罪悪感を持っての獣医訪問でした。それでも、それを押し切っての引退。彼女が120%の力を注いで育てた子供達の中にはブリーダーさんの所に行った子もいます。引退の時期を決め、実行した以上、さつまを受け継いでいる子供達を次世代に繋いで行くことが次の目標なのだと思います。

さつま、アルバート、でかたす(後の珠美嬢)の両親、その又親… 代々地を繋いでいったブリーダーさん達に改めて感謝します。先達の努力が無ければ彼らは生まれて来ることはありませんでした。


さつまの術後の経過は順調ですが、ちょっと切ない気持ちになっているようです… ゆっくり休めば、又元気なさつまに戻ると思います。

One of our proud queen, Satsuma, finally retired from our breeding program yesterday.  She is a TICA GRC and is an outstanding Dam.

It is really a sentimental issue that she is now a spay... so many memories to remember about her...

She did not like the show but really loved to raise her offspring and delivered 5 litters.  All the kittens now are placed to their forever loving home and we kept 2 girls for ourselves from her final litter which was born last October.

She earned her OD title by her 5 kittens, but later she produced 2 more litters and some became SGC, QGC and more. Even a girl from her final litter became RW 12th Kitten of 2018-2019. Her last girls made a debut to TICA Show and 2 became GRC. One was "One Show Grand".

Was really a “icing on a cake” for Satsuma's retirement.

When we were taking her to vet yesterday, she was crying as usual and I could not say anything like I always say.
The visit to the vet was unusual and totally different. I could not say “ you are going to be totally free and happy” etc.  Because only place she could not visit was boy’s room. She was free for other places, never kept in a cage (we do not have cage anyway) and she only was in season once a year.  And most of all, she loved every litter she produced. She was a more than 100% mom. Now it is our mission to carry on her DNA with in the new generation. Some of her kittens has moved to breeders whom are having wonderful offsprings.

And I also thank for all the breeders who made it happen. Without the senior breeders effort, Satsuma, Albert and aka Dekatus were never born. Thanks to Satsuma’s parents breeders and more old generation’s breeders.

Just wanted to share Satsuma’s retirement and how she is doing now.
She will keep being with us... unless she finds another best place for her... ( which I believe it will be very difficult)

So sorry to see a depressed girl but sure her to overcome and live happily again.