
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Alice in Forever Home 3 / 幸せの国のアリス 3

アリスがわが家を巣立ってから、早3年近く。 今年の12月で9歳になります。

It's almost 3 years since Alice graduated out home. She is going to be 9 years old by this December. Doesn't eat so much in the evening but still eats well in the morning. It's just because of her aging and was told by the vet that she is in good health. Very happy to know she is in good shape.


In Japan, we celebrate one's 60th birthday (kanreki) and that person wares red vest (we call it "Chan-chanko" in Japanese) and hat.

She looks great! Have never imagined her to were some clothes! ;)

About Kanreki check here!


Her hat matches very well to her head! So cute! 
She never was a fashion icon in our house, but now looks like she's thinking to become a senior model! LOL




"Never call me granny!"  feel like I can hear she's saying this...
Looks like she is still having her own pride. Yes "Madam" Alice is still there!

The world is changing a lot with this Covid 19 pandemic. But I believe there are always some lights shining through, To me, Alice's these photos are one of them. May be only humans think and consider about the future... We should also think about "now". Especially like in these days. Feeling glad that I still can smile watching her photos.

Be strong and tough! Live long my dear Alice!