
Friday, March 27, 2015

Good by to my milk! / お別れオッパイ!


Yesterday one of Cindy's son moved to his forever loving home. His nick name was Chai but now he got his new. By Kanji character, it is written as "柊季".  "柊" means Chinese-Holly and "季"means season. Pronunciation is "Ibuki.

上の写真は”奇跡の一枚!”と呼べるものです。 シンディの子育て期間は基本二ヶ月。 母子だけで生活している時には、120%の母親ぶりを発揮し、いざ子猫たちがリイングにデビューすると特には関わりを持ちません。一緒にいる姿をカメラに納めるのは中々ないチャンスでした。

Above photo is a one of a miracle shot. Cindy usually does not take care of her kittens once they make a debut to our living room. She devotes herself 120% as a mother while she is only with her kittens but once the little ones have free access to the entire house, she ends her mission. So this was a very precious photo (no matter how the room was messed up! LOL)  

柊季君、上のビデオのような状態になっていました。体は大きくなっても、やっぱりまだまだ三ヶ月の子猫。 一心不乱にケル吉さんの出ないおっぱいを吸っていました。


This time I drove Ibuki to his new family. Considering the traffic jam I planned to leave our place around 9am. When I went to our bed room to pick up Ibuki, I saw him being with Micael. Ibuki was sticking to Micael trying to drink milk from him!
What a precious scene it was. He was pushing Micael's tummy and and everywhere. I left them for about 30 min. to have the very last moment ceremony. Yes, even becoming big, Ibuki was still a 3 months old kitten...

先住猫さんのおふたり、ブラック&ホワイトの心晴君と、ブラウンの白靴下履きのマギーさん。 ふたりとも我が家からお引越しした子達です。
新しいお家でキャリーから出た柊季君、物怖じすることも無く早速家の中の探検を開始。 勝手に二階まで探索して、心晴君とマギーさんのご飯を食べお水を飲み、うたた寝もして… さすがKY!

久しぶりに心晴君とマギーさんにも会えました! ふたりともつやつやに輝いていました。 幸せな証拠です!



The new family has 2 MC. One is Black & White boy and another is Brown girl with white socks. They both came from us. Ibuki was the third one to join and now they became "White Socks" trio!
As soon as he was freed from the carry case, he started to check each room.  Ate Koharu and Maggie's food, drank the water and had a short nap. Looks like nothing to worry about!

Koharu, the black & white boy was hissing to Ibuki a little bit, but I am sure that they will easily become good friends.

In the evening I received the latest photo and the message about Ibuki from the T's.


Later, Ibuki did pee at his toilet and ate and played with a very high tension and is now sleeping.

Koharu stopped hissing at hime and getting near to him showing his tummy and calling him to play together. Maggi also is showing interest towards Ibuki but when Ibuki goes near to her she hisses. And now Koharu and Maggi are both sleeping. Must were tired welcoming the new face. 



Wish the new "Socks Trio" to have a fun day every day!