
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Juliet goes to Show! / お嬢、ショーに行く!



Shonancats Juliet joined us last Dec. is now 8 months old and we decided to take her to the TICA & ACT Cat Show. The show was held at Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo on Sat. and Sun. She has been out only for few times so everything she saw and heard was a brand new thing!  The noise, smell and meeting many kitties were a whole surprise to her. Even though, she did very well.


At Kikuchi Judge's ring.
She was standing in a low position preparing to escape whenever something happens! LOL But still was brave enough not to curl her tail between her legs! LOL


At Hamano Judge's ring, she showed her curiosity towards the teaser.
Good sign!


Juliet found something interesting at Tsuruoka Judge"s ring and was stretching her neck... Could not figure out what it was! Wish she spoke about it! LOL

控えケージでは、お疲れモード全開。 それでも初日後半からはオヤツを食べる余裕も少しだけ出てきたようでした。

At the bench, Juliet looked like tired but started to eat from the afternoon. Sure she was wondering why she was here, far away from her home...

今回の外国人ジャッジは、Lorraine Shelton女史。カリフォルニアでノルウェージャンのブリーだをされているとのこと。以前はペルシャのブリーダーを長年されていらしたとのことでした。

This times guest Judge was Ms. Lorraine Shelton form California, USA. She is the Approved Speciality Judge and also a Norwegian Forest Cat breeder. Also was a Persian Breeder for long time. 


I am sure that Juliet was really fluttered but was trying to show her best. She is a quite boy looking girl which is the thing I love and I had a chance to see that on the judging ring!


At Tomonari Judge she was also showing her interest toward the teaser.

チャンピオンシップのデビュー戦、二日間の長丁場。 お嬢、よく頑張ってくれました。二日間のリング数、合計15リングでファイナルに5回残りました。
チャンピオンシップのメインクーンは全部で4頭で彼女以外は大きな男の子達。年度の終盤でのデビューという大変な時期。 デビュー戦でチャンピオンになれたことは本当にありがたいことです。 ファイナルに後一回入ればグランドチャンピオン。 無理をさせないで、個人タイトル取れるところまで一緒に参加して行こうと思います。



Sure two days show was a long time for Juliet. She really performed very well. She finally got 5 finals out of 15 rings.
There were 4 MC at the Champion class and all others were very big and heavy boys. Not only this, but also considering the annual year end, it was a great result. She got a title of Champion and with one more final she can became the Grand Champion. As a girl, we don't know how far she can go but would like to challenge a bit more.

Many thanks to the Show committee, Judges and the exhibitors for holding this wonderful show.
And we really thank Ms. Ryoko Doi of Shonancats for letting us have her.  Juliet did her best.

And thanks to Juliet for being with us, you are great!


ロレイン・シェルトン・ジャッジが右手に持っているこの白い羽。 近くで見ると、レモンイエローの色が羽の端の方にあるのですが。 この羽、ロレインさんがご両親の住むハワイに行った時にお家の庭に落ちていたとか。 羽の先端が丸くなっていて、かつ小振りなサイズであるので子猫を審査する際にちょうどいいということで持ち帰ってきたそうです。
子猫やショーにデビューしてドキドキしている猫達に「ジャッジ台の上で楽しいことがあった」という経験に繋がればいいと。 不安が無くなって、素敵なショーキャットになれるように、と思って使っているアイテムとのことでした。


The white feather that Ms. Shelton is holding in her right hand is from Hawaii. She founded at the backyard when she visited her parents there. According to her, the size of it looked perfect for the kittens and the fluttered cats at the judging ring. Also the shape of tip, which is round may not scare them and let them enjoy being at the judging table.  Good and fun experience may lead a kitten/cat to enjoy the show and let them become a good performer!

Very nice idea and also is a fun to hear that some teaser has their own background story!