
Cattery POPOKILANI is a small Mainecoon cattery located in Sayama-shi, Saitama prefecture, which is quite famous by "Green Tea" field, about one hour far from Tokyo. Our cattery just started from April, year 2008. And started attending TICA Asia Region from Sep. 2008.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

IW items has just arrived! / IWのロゼッタと盾到着!



盾には、受賞内容とスポンサーになってくれたカナダのメインクーンのキャッテリーCoon Amorの名前が刻まれています。



Albert's Rosette, Plaque and Certification for TICA IW 24th Best LH Cat has just arrived.
Many thanks to Ms. I. for bringing these back to Japan and sending to us.

This is the very first IW for us to have. But not only for this, these means more to us. Of course this is the result which Albert has shown at the show.  During we took him to the show, many were waiting for us at  home. They were never forgotten of course, but had to bare for many things I guess... Many many stories to remember...

The second one from the left is the IW's.
On the plaque, there is the information about Alberts ranking and the sponsor for this is also named. My sponsor was Cattery Coon Amour. Jan Horick, is my best friend and also my mentor. She gave me many advise to raise a healthy MC. I believe her advise helped us lot for Albert to be healthy enough to join the show for long time, including the Portland, Oregon show this January.

Thank you for the good and fun times to every body.

We had another great year!

この証書、届いた日に携帯で写真を撮って、それからどこかに置いて行方不明にしてしまいました・・・ 再発行が効くかというと、たぶん無理。大事な思い出の品の一つなのに。自分の記憶力の悪さを呪いましたw ゴミ箱漁って、捨てていない事を確認。 ソファの下とか、引き出しとか・・・入れそうなところを散々探索。 無いまま、夜が来て一寝入り。 朝一番で、はーぶとテオ嬢の追加の予防注射に行き、戻ってからまた探しまわり・・・ なんと、背の高いフロアスタンドの傘の中に鎮座していました。
ということで、夕方一日遅れの額装を完了! 今週もバタバタの週末でした!w

An addition:
This "Award of Excellent: sheet  was gone for a day and a half. I took some photos when these arrived and put all the items to a temporally places where cats and not reach. Uploaded the photos on FB  and when I got ready to take these to frame, I could not remember where I have put this sheet!  Looked into the dust box 3 times and there wasn't. Checked the sofa, cup board... Every where I can imagine. But still couldn't find out. Time passed quickly and an I decided to give up searching. This morning I had to take Herb and Teo to the vet and after I came back, again decided to continue looking for it. My memory was completely gone...  About an hour later, I looked into the high floor stand light and there it was!!! Yes that was the best place from protecting this to be bitten or peed by someone!
So finally framing was done with one day delay! LOL
Another tired weekend it was!
