
Cattery POPOKILANI is a small Mainecoon cattery located in Sayama-shi, Saitama prefecture, which is quite famous by "Green Tea" field, about one hour far from Tokyo. Our cattery just started from April, year 2008. And started attending TICA Asia Region from Sep. 2008.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Ms. Little Typhoon Part 2 / 台風ガールこかげちゃん Part 2


Now 12 days has passed since Kokage (aka Iggy) has moved…


やりたい放題の国のお姫様になっている(?)様子が目に浮かび、ひとりでニヤニヤしていましたw 出会いに改めて感謝する瞬間ですね!

Reading the email from Kokage’s new mom, I decided to change the title of this post. Our little princess is now turned into “free-for-all” or “born to be wild” character!

Many thanks for welcoming her!!!


Kokage is fitting into our house/family so rapidly. 
The very first night I put into a cage for quarantine but next morning she won the freedom. One night stay was the max for her. 


Receiving the hot hiss from the elders, she was going her own way. Nothing stopped her, even the hot hiss could not! 

Our other members (elder cats) looked like…

“ need to teach who we are but… playing with her will be a lots of fun…” our 3 years old girl was suffering from that dilemma and started to play with Kokage.


Fussy 9 years old girl was still hissing but she was given a role as a nanny. Started to sleep with Kokage and some times the little one snuggled her nose to the elder’s breast. 9 years old girl sometimes became a new mom! Still keep on hissing she also agreed to take Kokage on her side.


Above happened from day four or five and now 3 years old girl, 11 years old boy and Kokage are playing like a tumbling weed.




She loves to eat, does nice poops and running around like a lacing machine.

Loves to play with toys, carrying a ball from room to room and enjoying the day.

But the toy she loves seems to be that pink coil one. She looses so often and comes to me saying “my coil toy tumbled in their… would you help me?” So sweet to see her telling me that.


Attached please find som photos of hers. One is her sitting on my husband’s tummy. She just got there when he was having a nap.


She is glowing very healthy everyday. And easily fall in a sleep with a big purrrrrr when ever I pick her up. Having her as a mew member, we humans and our elder cats are having a very thrilling and fun life.

11歳になっている子まで、子猫と一緒に遊んでいることには、びっくりしました。わが家の10歳超えの子達は、ご隠居さんの様な生活パターンなのに、これは凄い!9歳の気むずかしいマダムまで、手なずけて(?)しまうとは。やっぱり、こかげちゃん、どっか不思議な子なのかもしれません... 唯一の女の子だからだったのかもしれませんが、わが家にいた時も、もの凄く気持ちを惹かれる子でしたから。特別何か要求をしてくるとか、猫一倍わがままとか、そういうのでは無く、存在自体がなんと言えば良いのか輝きを放っていた感じです。

To me it was a quite big surprise to hear that 11 years old cat playing with 4 months old kitten. Our cats whom are same age doesn’t. It’s a wow thing to me! And also melted 9 years old fussy madam’s heart and asked her to be her own nanny… she must have some kind of talent or charm… and so this is Kokage (aka Iggy)!

「もし、イギーを迎えたいと思う方がいらしたら、是非彼女を口説きにいらしてください! 我こそは!と言うツワモノ様、お待ちしております!」
10月10日にアップした記事に書きましたが、彼女のハートを射止めるのは中々手強そうでしたw あの記事からそんなに時間が経たずに出会いが実現しました。(正直、縁がないままわが家にい続けるのではと思っていたぐらいです)
母猫のアイリス、こかげちゃんに何を教えたのでしょうか? 一度聞いてみたいものですw 不思議な魅力120%のこかげちゃん、どんなレディに育っていくのかこれから楽しみです。

I really wonder what did Iris taught to her only daughter. Did she taught some secret spells how to attract others? Well this must be the secret that only they can share. I was thinking that she may never find her loving home. If she can’t it means she is meant to stay with USA during that should be fun. But now I think she knew when and where it will happen. Yes she found the best!  Now I just hope her sweet character to last forever!


To F’s , thank you for welcoming this little typhoon girl. She may become hurricane in the future but sure to bring the sunlight into your house also. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Ms. Little Typhoon Part 1 / 台風ガールこかげちゃん Part 1





Aka Iggy graduated our home on Oct.30th with her new name "Kokage" (Kokage means "Shade of tree)

She was with us for almost 5 months long. We took her to Tetsu and Hiroko Yamazaki's photo studio with her litter mates for the Pro Shot and had fun attending the TICA & ECC Cat Show held in Ueda, Nagano pref. 

And the girl became Kokage and left us with plenty of memories behind to remember for us.

Her new mom sent an email and some photos on the very day she moved. Let me share it with you all.




Thank you for today's visit.
We just got back around at 13:00.

She was first crying a bit with small voice and looked a bit uncomfortable but soon curled up and closed her eyes. She was a good girl during the drive.

We put her in the cage after we got back. She was checking some things and soon started to relax and laid down closing her eyes, 


About an hour later, she started to say "Let me out" with a purr voice. So, I opened the door of the cage and she came out and started to explore.
She was playing with her pink coil toy also, the one that you gave to her, and kept her going on and on.  


And she came to me and rubbed her body to my leg again and again, did the tummy-up or even came up to my knee.
I hold her up and rubbed her and she answered me with her big purrrrrrr.








And the she got on my working desk and started to sleep beside the keyboard. Now she is sleeping on the printer.

It's such a surprise of her having such a capacity. She is really a smart girl. She is so dear.

I am thinking to give her the toy tunnel tomorrow, the one you gave to her.

Attached please find the photos. Hope you can see how she is doing today.

The other cats are now hissing and I am doing the "Elder first". Holding and talking to them so they can feel they are not mistreated. Hope them to calm down and fell there is no need to be aware with the new girl.

Thank you so much for entrusting us to have her.
And thank you for the toys, photo (taken by Hiroko and Tetsu) and the wining rosetta (Iggy got one 5th best kittens at the show) . I hang it beside my desk, it is beautiful.
and now I am looking for a nice photo flame on the web. Printed photo is really so nice.

Again thank you so much.
Best regards,




- Part 2 に続きます(こうご期待)-

It is sometimes a big surprise to see and know the capacity/capability of a kitten. Kokage was the only girl of the litter and maybe as usual, she was a bit timid type comparing to her brothers. (but also as a matter of fact, her brothers are all red and they are really hyper guys! LOL) We are so glad to know that she started her new life with such a soft landing. 

All the credit of her must go to Kokage's mom Iris. She gave all that she can give to her little ones. 

And it looks like the pink coil toy did it's job very well. I think it is a security blanket for Kokage. Soon she will not need it any more.

F's, thank you for welcoming Kokage, 
We are very happy that our Ms. Little Typhoon also chose you all. 


- To be continued to Part 2 ! -


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Hana 's new home / はなちゃん卒業しました♪


はなちゃんは、ディジーとディビッドの4姉妹(てて、ふしぎ、ぶー)のうちのひとり。遡ると、ローズマリーのひ孫にあたるブルークラシック・タビー の女の子です。

This is our girl (must say "was") Hana.
She graduated our home last September.
Hana is a Blue Classic Tabby girl of Daisy and David, siblings of Tete, Fushigi, Boo. Grand grand daughter of  Rosemary.


She was with us for almost a year. Sending out a kitty who is about a year old brings so many memories comparing to send out the kittens... A kind of different pain and thoughts arises...
The new family is the one we know very well. Our Luke was the member there for a long time. He crossed the rainbow bridge while ago with bunch of happy memories that he can tell up in heaven.   


We believe that he made an arrangement, connected the family, for both them and us. What a souvenir from him! 
At the new home, there is Ms. Putti, an old American Shorthair girl who really was a mentor and buddy of Luke. She really welcomed Luke but how about this time? It looks like this is the first time to have a female mate, Quite often we hear girls does not prefer a new girls coming in. 
Luckily serious things did not happen, just an ordinary hiss and drawing there borders ("Don't step in form here!) things seemed to solved the situation.
Now they sleep to gather and sharing more time than the beginning.





When Hana was with us, she was a kind of an "Indivisible" girl.  She almost did not show up when someone visited us. It was not because she was a shy or timid, but just did not have any interest.  
But this time she was there and chose her own family.

Chose and been chosen, must be the very best match for both. For us, this is a big relief for we can be sure that she/he will be one fo the happiest in this world.

Wishing the very best for Hana's new chapter.

Many thanks to the I family!

Yukari and Yasuyuki Endo


Sunday, November 7, 2021

Olivia / Octavia's 1st Litter

Olivia's Boys:
DOB: 05/06/2021 (One Black boy and One Black Classic Tabby boy moved to their new family before the photo session)

Popokilani Lee

Popokilani Laurence (aka Kuki)

Octavia's Boys:
DOB: 05/23/2021

TICA RW Popokilani Travis

Popokilani Christopher ( now has a new name: Masamune)

Popokilani Bartholomew

Group Shots:

Popokilani Daisy's 1st Litter


DOB: 10/14/2020 (Photos taken at age of 4 months old)

Also there was a Blue Classic Tabby girl  "Tete". She moved to his forever loving home before the photo session.

父:TICA RW SGC ポポキラニ ディビッド/ Sire: TICA RW SGC Popokilani David
母:ポポキラニ ディジー / Dam: Popokilani Daisy

aka Boo: Black Classic Tabby girl

Hana: Blue Classic Tabby girl (Moved to her own forever loving home in 2021)

aka Boo: Black Classic Tabby girl

Group Shots:

TICA RW SGC Popokilani Spike


DOB: 06/05/2021父:TICA SGC  ショーナンキャッツ ジェイコブ オブ ポポキラニ / Sire: TICA SGC Shonancats Jacob of Popokilani

母:TICA CH キャトレーヌ レッド アイリス オブ ポポキラニ / Dam:  TICA CH Catreine Red Iris of Popokilani

カラー:レッドクラシックタビー / Red Classic Tabby

Photos taken at age of 3 months old

Popokilani Selina

DOB: 09/18/2020
父:TICA RW SGC ポポキラニ ディビッド/ Sire: TICA RW SGC Popokilani David
母:TICA QGC ポポキラニ ドミノ / Dam: TICA QGC Popokilani Domino

カラー:ブラック/ Blue Classic Torbie
HCM, PKD DNA test HCM、PKD遺伝子検査: Negative as the parents are negative
